SG-Coach Level 1 Theory

SG-Coach Theory Level 1

What’s SG-Coach Level 1 Theory?

The SG-Coach Level 1 Theory course is part of Level 1 Singapore Coach Excellence (SG-Coach) Programme that equips its participants with the sports science knowledge to coach novice participants in community and / or youth sport.

Register for SG-Coach Level 1 Theory

Foundation Sports Science (FSS)

Course Waivers

Foundation Sport Science

1. Direct Waiver

Direct Waiver for the SG-Coach Level 1 Theory course is given to those who have graduated from the following local courses:

  1. National Institute of Education’s Diploma / Postgraduate Diploma / Degree in Physical Education (MOE Teachers holding these certificates still need to apply for VPS Accreditation from CoachSG)
  2. Republic Polytechnic’s Diploma in Sport and Exercise Science (VPS Integrated)*
  3. Republic Polytechnic’s Diploma in Sports Coaching (VPS Integrated)*
  4. Republic Polytechnic’s Part-Time Diploma in Sports (Coaching) (VPS Integrated)*
  5. International Management and Sports College Pte Ltd (IMSC) Diploma in Sports Science and Coaching (DSSC)"

*The waiver takes effect for AY17 intake of students onwards.

"With IMSC Fitness Nutrition Course + CoachSG’s Safe Sport e-module

All curriculum listed as Direct Waivers on this webpage have been approved by CoachSG following a rigorous curriculum review process.

2. Other Certifications

For other candidates who do not possess the above qualifications, the two methods for SG-Coach Theory Accreditation are:

  • Accreditation through Coursework: This is suitable for individuals who do not have any formal learning in sports science and coaching. You will need to attend either (a) a sport-specific SG-Coach Level 1 Full Integration coaching course or (b) Foundational Sports Science Course, SG-Coach Level 1 Theory Course and SG-Coach Level 1 Technical Course, Please get in touch with Republic Polytechnic (RP) here if you have further queries. For (a) sport-specific SG-Coach Full Integration Course or (b) SG-Coach Technical Course, please contact the respective National Sports Associations (NSA). You may e-mail us at if you require assistance.

  • Accreditation through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): This is suitable for individual who had formal learning in areas of coaching or physical education (e.g. coaching certificate, diploma, degree, etc).

If you are interested in seeking for accreditation for SG-Coach Theory via recognition of prior learning, please apply via this link.

There is no cost for the evaluation BUT please note that a certification fee of S$54.50 (including GST) will be charged if a waiver is granted. For unsuccessful applications, no administrative fee will be charged and applicant encouraged to enroll in the SG-Coach Theory Course.

Foundation Sport Science