
My 1st Coach

Who is my 1st coach?

Every child’s first encounter with physical literacy, key movement milestones, health and fitness, are almost always learnt from role-modelling or guidance by the child’s own parents.

Parents’ positive examples and abilities to provide teachable moments at home during these formative years, set the foundation for the inculcation of important character and values, life skills, habits and essential problem-solving skills.

Parents also provide the platforms for every child to discover the joy of learning, acquiring crucial fundamental movement skills and leading an active, healthy lifestyle.

Thus, parents are indeed every child’s First Coaches!

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My 1st Coach Programme

Consisting of a series of interactive and practical sessions, my 1st coach programme aims to equip and enable parents with the knowledge on how to help your family and child:
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Develop FUNdmental Movement Skills (FMS)Locomotor, Non-Locomotor and Object Control/ Manipulative Skills

For more information on FMS activities that parents can explore with your child, click here to access SportSG's  "Parents Guide for Growing Active Learners".


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Use the F.U.N Principle to D.R.E.A.M up interesting games with your child

The F.U.N Principle





Develop AmbiD(Ex)²erity

Repetition without repetition

Engineering Early Success

Active Participation

Modify using T.R.E.E.S. 

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Make Healthier Choices through the Four Domains of Active Health: Physical Activity, Nutrition, Sleep Hygiene, Screen Time

Find out more about the Singapore Physical Activity Guidelines (SPAG) here.

Download the SPAG guide here.

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Infusing Character and Values

Find out more about how Sport has helped to shape the Character and Values of 25 Sporting Individuals through our "Game for Life: 25 Journeys" resource here.


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Be a Positive Sporting Role Model

Find out more about how to be an Active Parent here.

Watch to find out more about the My 1st Coach Programme

Introduction to my 1st Coach Programme
Highlights of My 1st Coach pilot programme 2019


Video Resources

Live/Practical Sessions

Other Resources

  • Fun Start Move Smart Parent’s Guide on Fundamental Movement Skills: Click Here
  • Game for Life – Lives Made Extraordinary Through Sport Resource: Click Here
  • Active Health App: Click Here
  • Active Health Website: Click Here

Useful Information and resources

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