If you are currently a Ministry of Education (MOE) Physical Education (PE) teacher in service from 2015 onwards or a National Coach, you will be exempted from VPS course but required to complete the following steps to obtain VPS Accreditation, before being eligible to receive the VPS (Accreditation) certificate:
Register for a Sportsync account.
Email CoachSG at sport_coaching@sport.gov.sg with Subject Title: VPS Accreditation. Include your Sportsync ID and relevant certifications.
(Your Sportsync ID starts with a alphabet 'I')
Once verified, CoachSG will activate your SportSG-ED account for e-learning to be assigned.
An email detailing login instructions on SportSG-ED will be sent to you.
Complete VPS E-Learning topics via SportSG-ED and submit your Coaching Philosophy and Sample Session Plan for CoachSG's review.
All relevant documents must be submitted for CoachSG’s review and approval via Sport_Coaching@sport.gov.sg.
A S$20.00 (including GST) fee will be charged for the processing of VPS accreditation certificates, which includes a SportSG-ED user licence fee.